PCU Blog

Where to? This question clouds the mind of adventure-seeking individuals everywhere. As we enter the waning days of summer, travelers can still grasp a memorable experience or two, and of all the demographics, the Millennials know where to find it! Netflix has released a new series titled, The World’s Most Amazing Vacation Rentals. The series, aimed at […]

The era of the global pandemic has been rife with challenges ranging from the tragic loss of life, economic collapse, and political unrest to the inconveniences of masking canceled events and sheltering in place. Healthcare professionals are raising awareness of the mental and physical strains resulting from lock-down policies. Isolation anxiety has pummeled the general […]

The crimes of the COVID pandemic are innumerable, resulting in a collective loss of, well, the list is too long! The plague year saw more than 500 Pride events scuttled, postponed, or moved online. As the world begins to turn once more and the dark cloud of the coronavirus break, hope is dawning worldwide in […]

It may come as a shock to learn adventure travel comes with risk or rather risks! Adventure is a good thing. The enterprises people choose, and their reasoning, say a lot about them. After all, adventure separates the wheat from the chafe of daily life. Since the pandemic, the quest for authentic experiences has given a boost […]

A key lesson many learned from the events of 2020 is to not take anything in life for granted. The trials of the global pandemic exposed the vulnerability of economies, the impermanence of material lifestyles, and the fragility of loved ones. But, if anything was to be gained through it all, it’s perspective. A collective […]

According to the Urban Dictionary, a ‘workcation’ is working in the morning and vacationing in the evening someplace fun. You’re still working while on vacation from the office. As the world reopens, the definition is evolving to accommodate the changes in our understanding of remote working. In the wake of the year-that-shall-not-be-named, the travel industry has witnessed […]

Once upon a time, the cruise industry delivered fairytale experiences across endless seas of commercial tourism profitability. In 2020, the Love Boat was rechristened as the Titanic when an iceberg named COVID-19 ripped through global travel, leaving a wake of destruction in the cruise industry to the tune of $1.1 trillion in losses. How will […]

Travel insurance provides extra protection when vacation plans go sideways. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most overlooked trip-planning necessities. International travel medical insurance is a Swiss Army knife of policy protection for anyone traveling abroad. The past year has shown the need for travel insurance and the importance of finding policies tailored to the […]

Recovery efforts to restore the health of citizens, economies and an iota of collective sanity are yielding changes across the globe. But, as is often the case with change, unintended consequences have arisen. The implementation of vaccine programs has the travel industry rejoicing over prospects of inoculation from the grip of COVID-19 as immunized tourists […]

The global doldrums appear to be lifting, and travelers are restless! After more than a year of ‘2 weeks to stop the spread,’ would-be vacationers have not been wasting their time stuck at home. Assailed by the nonsense of 2020 and the frustrations of COVID-19, travel planners are not-so-secretly plotting their revenge. Consumers are ready […]

What happens if a traveler tests positive for COVID-19 while abroad? Vacationers receiving less-than-desired results may be required to isolate and delay their return to the United States. Scoring a positive for COVID-19 means finding a place to recover during the quarantine period. Some hotels offer complimentary rooms for COVID-positive guests of up to 14 […]

Throughout the ‘year that wasn’t,’ one event after another fired out cancelation or postponement emails on a seemingly weekly basis. Event professionals watched the global $235 billion conference industry crumble before their eyes as everything from international conferences to local insurance agent meetings was canceled or shifted to online. The Global Gaming Expo (G2E), the largest […]

A new mindset is upon us as consumers turn their attention toward travel once more. Global trends indicate increased travel planning as vacationers focus on destinations away from home offices and remote learning. The latest findings of the ongoing consumer sentiment study by Longwoods International reveals Americans are planning trips at the highest levels since the onset […]

In celebration of Women’s History Month, let’s examine the influence and leadership women are contributing to the travel industry. For starters, they make up the bulk of domestic and international travelers and the majority of the tourism workforce. Women are emerging as business owners, innovators, and leaders who are challenging the status quo and harnessing […]

Traveling the world on a limited budget is possible. The world is calling! It begins with a change in mindset. With research, patience, and a sprinkle of frugality, you can make your travel dreams a reality. Saving money for a trip doesn’t require you to give up everything. Pick your favorites little rewards and look […]

According to the 2020 Open Doors Report on the International Education Exchange, over 1 million international students attended universities and colleges in the United States during the 2019-20 academic year. Students worldwide are making their way to the U.S. for opportunities to study at some of the most prestigious universities in the world and experience a […]

International travel is still a viable possibility for families looking to shake off their lock-down fever. Summer travel looks to be the hottest ticket. Thanks to the vaccination program instituted in the US and other nations, travel planning is a trending topic once more. Whether it’s sheltering-in-place fatigue or a desire to build memories and […]