By Jason Jourdan
A key lesson many learned from the events of 2020 is to not take anything in life for granted. The trials of the global pandemic exposed the vulnerability of economies, the impermanence of material lifestyles, and the fragility of loved ones. But, if anything was to be gained through it all, it’s perspective. A collective reflection on what is most important in life has many asking whether they’re living their best life.
The term “bucket list” was introduced into our cultural dialog due to the 2007 film of the same name featuring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. The Bucket List tells the story of two older men, each with terminal conditions, who form a bond around the notion of completing a list of thrilling experiences before they die or ‘kick the bucket.’ Creating lists of goals or experiences to accomplish before death is a natural response to an incurable disease or viral pandemic. A recent Stanford University School of Medicine survey found 91% of respondents had a bucket list of things to do before they die.
In the wake of COVID-19 destruction, it’s time to kick ‘the bucket list’ and embrace a list focused on living. Call it a list of hopes and dreams, life goals, or your bucket of ‘Fs,’ the act of pursuing objectives and meaningful experiences leads to a state of achieving and living one’s best life. Bucket lists by their premise of ‘before I die’ are limited. A best-life list should be about a limitless number of experiences. With the arrival of vaccinations and the relaxing of travel restrictions, it’s a great time for future planning, regardless of age. It’s never too early or too late to make a list and enact a plan.
Readers of this blog recognize the power of travel to affect genuine life change, but what does a best-life list look like? It will be notable attractions, exotic food, five-star hotels, or destinations equipped with unique experiences for some travelers. Others may derive satisfaction from a checklist of visits to every continent or country in the European Union or Southeast Asia. Every lister has an idea about what makes a trip list-worthy.
Our friends at Travel and Leisure have compiled a list of 21 destinations and experiences ranging from Manchu Picchu, Southeast Asia, and the Maldives to spotting the Northern Lights in Iceland. Each of these best-life list adventures is guaranteed to build incredible memories.
A good life encompasses many things, such as friends, health, and a sense of community. If a best-life list contains anything, it ought to be things that make life worth living. In 2021, listers and travelers are interested in meaningful things, big and small, that add value and purpose. The act of having a best-life list is meaningless without opportunities to expand one’s universe and learn about the world. Instead of putting things aside for someday, consider what can happen today. The act of planning a trip puts something concrete on the calendar and provides an opportunity to choose destinations and experiences that will bring the lasting joy of precious memories.
Travel blogger, Jordyn Christine, suggests the following considerations for your best-life list travels:
- Take A Coastal Road Trip
- Watch The Sunset From A Sailboat
- Learn A New Sport In A Different Country
- Complete A Meditation Retreat
- Snag A First Class Seat
- Have Champagne For Breakfast
- Learn A New Language In Another Country
- Savor The Local Cuisine
- Stay Active On Vacation
- Go On A Volunteer Trip
- Plan A Passion Trip
- Try To Tackle One Fear A Year
Everyone deserves to nurture their aspirations, hopes, and dreams not yet realized but actively sought after. Walt Disney said, “all our dreams can come true–if we have the courage to pursue them.” A best-life list provides a framework for living life with purpose and identifiable goals.
Those preparing to embark on their best-life list journeys are encouraged to check local government restrictions, rules, and safety measures related to COVID-19 and take personal comfort levels and health conditions into consideration before departure. Fulfilling a best-life list can mean a wide range of activities. It requires listers to be equipped with travel medical insurance and know what’s covered and what’s not!
Point Comfort® offers best-lifers policies designed to cover a variety of contingencies:
- CCOVID-19 Medical Expense Coverage up to the Policy Maximum
- Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation
- Emergency Medical Reunion
- Return of Minor Child
- Emergency Traveler Assistance
While an insurance policy won’t mitigate every risk associated with living and achieving a best-life list, it will provide a healthy dose of peace of mind. Discover your point of comfort with the benefits of Point Comfort® international travel medical insurance. Enjoy coverage that’s simple, fast, and secure while expanding your horizons, pursuing dreams, and building precious memories.
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