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By Savannah Grace

Last week I explored some of the best hot destinations to hit for heat lovers and this week I’m bringing you the polar opposite. COLD! I’m not particularly a fan of cold places myself, but there are certainly experiences that even I couldn’t resist, must recommend to others, and more I’d love to try! Here are my top 7 cold travel destinations, in no particular order.

French Alps 


Mont Blanc, meaning “White Mountain” is the highest mountain in Europe and well worth a visit for winter lovers traveling to France. Chamonix-Mont Blanc is a fabulous ski resort town at the base of Mont Blanc near the three-point border of France, Italy and Switzerland. Here you can ski, snowboard and ride cable cars for outstanding mountain and glacier views.



Take a thrilling helicopter ride into the heart of an Alaskan glacier and go hiking in Mendenhall Glacier, ice pick in hand. A chilling adventure you won’t forget. Perhaps even spot a polar bear during your time in this icy palace.

Ice Hotel/bar 

Looking for a less adventurous and more relaxing cold destination? Hit one of the many ice hotels or ice bars around the world in places such as in Sweden, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Canada. You can step in for just a moment to feel the frosty bite on your nose as you snuggle in a furry, winter jacket.

Dog Sledding


A special activity that let’s you experience a very unique lifestyle and form of transport. Meet the adorable pups and the strong huskies that love to run through the snow and between the trees. Available in Canada, Greenland, Sweden, USA and more.

Northern Lights 

One of the things I have been dying to see are the Northern Lights. When I finally do get the chance to book a COLD destination holiday, it will be to the Kakslauttanen Glass Igloos in Finish Lapland, 155miles (250km) north of the Arctic Circle. Imagine being nestled in your bed and gazing up at one of Mother Nature’s most spectacular paintings from the comfort and warmth of your own private glass-topped igloo!

Swiss Alps – Leukerbad


Set eyes on Disney Land’s real live Matterhorn in the French Alps. If the cold gets too intense, dive into one of the many natural hot spring pools on offer at most hotels in Leukerbad. There really is nothing like sitting in a steaming, natural hot pool with icicles hanging in your hair as you sip a hot cup of tea.



I have not yet had the privilege of setting foot on the 7th and most spectacular continent, but if there is one place I KNOW will live up to the hype it’s Antarctica. I’ve met and spoken with countless people who who simply cannot get enough of the magical winter wonderland. Despite it being one of the most expensive travel excursions in the world, I know people who return time and time again. One of which is a huge fan of my travel series and actually took my book “I Grew My Boobs in China” with her as a travel buddy to the South Pole! That sort of counts as me visiting, right?! Every time I see a photo of Antarctica’s penguins and icebergs where only blues and whites exist, I get an instant itch to pack my bag and go! It is one of the most untouched and life-altering parts of the world.

Do you have some great recommendations for travel destinations for winter lovers? Are you looking for some more great suggestions? Then come join us on our live Twitter chat “The Road Less Travelled” on “COLD PLACES” starting today at 1pmNYC/6pmUK. Search the hashtag #TRLT on Twitter to find us and don’t forget to include the hashtag #TRLT in your tweets to participate with fellow travelers. You can find me each and every week hosting with my fellow travellers Shane Dallas (public speaker, visited 100+ countries), Jessica Lipowski (accomplished author and “foodie”) and Anton Magnin (specialist in family travel).

Ride again with me next week as I discuss remoteness in preparation for our chat on “REMOTENESS” on #TRLT.

Safe travels and keep cool

Savannah Grace